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The interdisciplinary nature of the field of human origins requires PhD students to be educated and trained in a very broad range of topics. The goal of the IMPRS LSHO is, thus, to provide PhD students with an extensive and comprehensive training while at the same time giving PhD students sufficient time for doing research and pursuing their thesis projects.

The core curriculum consists of a set of core seminar modules which take place once per academic year and are mandatory for all IMPRS LSHO PhD students:

  • Core Module "Human History, Evolution and Ecology" 
  • Core Module "Language, Culture and Cognition" 
  • Core Module "Molecular Anthropology" 

PhD students are expected to attend the core seminars during their first, or in exceptional cases (e.g. field work, illness), during their second year, and to pass a written examination that takes place after each module.

Furthermore, PhD students take part and give presentations in group seminars and journal clubs regularly throughout their entire PhD time. They typically present a poster or give a presentation at one or several international conferences.

In addition, the IMPRS LSHO offers a selection of supplementary seminars on statistics, programming and transferable skills, e.g. scientific writing and presenting, as well as German courses for PhD students from abroad.


Core Seminars
Group seminars
Journal clubs
Supplementary seminars
Group seminars
Journal clubs
Supplementary seminars
Group seminars
Journal clubs
Supplementary seminars