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IMPRS LSHO Welcome Day - 29 September 2023

In September the new term 2023/2024 of the Leipzig School of Human Origins begins
and on behalf of the directors we want to welcome (back) all members of the
International Max Planck Research School „The Leipzig School of Human Origins” to the
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (MPI EVA) and to Leipzig.
We have scheduled several events and invite you to participate in the Welcome Day Program.

Friday, 29 September 2023

10 am              Welcome and Introduction - Richard McElreath (MPI EVA Lecture hall, 2nd floor)

10.30 am        Getting to know MPI EVA - PhD representatives and others

11.40 am        Getting to know IMPRS LSHO – insight into formalities and guidelines

12 pm             Lunch

1.15 pm          MPI EVA Library Introduction

2 pm               Institute Tour departments, seminar rooms, labs
(we meet next to the reception)

3.30 pm          “Around Deutscher Platz” tour

4.30 pm          Get together & BBQ*
(Institute Hall & outside the Cafeteria)

Please register until September 27, 2023 by sending an email to leipzig-school@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<]eva.mpg.de.

*You are welcome to bring some food for the BBQ.

Dates for Core Weeks in 2023

From Monday, 06 November 2023 to Friday, 24 November 2023 the IMPRS-LSHO Core Weeks will take place and cover the following topics: 

- Primate Behavior, Ecology and Evolution

- Human Behavior, Ecology and Evolution

- Functional Genomics and Archaeogenomics

- Human Evolutionary Origins

A detailed programme and information on ECTS will be made available in due time.

IMPRS PhD retreat

Place: Harnack House, Ihnestraße 16-20, Berlin
Date: 04-06 May 2022
Organizers: PhD representatives
Contact: leipzig-school@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<]eva.mpg.de or phd_representatives@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<]eva.mpg.de

Statistical Rethinking 2022

Tuesday, 4 January to Friday, 11 March 2022

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Richard McElreath
Lectures: Uploaded and pre-recorded, two per week
Discussion: Online, Fridays 3pm-4pm Central European Time

This course teaches data analysis, but it focuses on scientific models first. The unfortunate truth about data is that nothing much can be done with it, until we say what caused it. We will prioritize conceptual, causal models and precise questions about those models. We will use Bayesian data analysis to connect scientific models to evidence. And we will learn powerful computational tools for coping with high-dimension, imperfect data of the kind that biologists and social scientists face.

Format: Online, flipped instruction. The lectures are pre-recorded. We'll meet online once a week for an hour to work through the solutions to the assigned problems. We'll use the 2nd edition of my book, <Statistical Rethinking>. I'll provide a PDF of the book to enrolled students.

Course info: https://github.com/rmcelreath/stat_rethinking_2022
Sign-up: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/statistical-rethinking-2022-tickets-207786975437

For participating regularly and doing all homework sets, PhD students can get 2 ECTS.