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PhD program

The International Max Planck Research School "Leipzig School of Human Origins" (IMPRS LSHO) is a joint PhD program of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (MPI-EVA) and Leipzig University (LU). PhD students have a primary affiliation with one of the research groups at the MPI-EVA or one of the participating research groups at LU. The language of the PhD program is English.

The IMPRS LSHO provides interdisciplinary training and research opportunities for university graduates who wish to pursue a PhD in anthropology, archaeology, biology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, computational biology, evolutionary genetics, human behavioral ecology, paleoanthropology, primatology, psychology, and related fields.

The typical duration of a PhD thesis at the IMPRS "The Leipzig School of Human Origins" (IMPRS LSHO) is 3 to 4 years. Our PhD program includes the following three disciplines:

This field provides valuable insights into the genetic history, diversity and biology of human populations as well as the broader implications of genetic research for understanding human evolution, health and identity. It integrates methods and concepts from genetics, anthropology, archaeology, and other disciplines to address questions about our shared human heritage and the factors that have shaped our biological and cultural diversity. We use and develop genetic techniques and methods to study the evolutionary history, genetic diversity, and population dynamics of human populations, their non-human primate relatives and other organisms.

Participating departments and research groups:

This multidisciplinary field explores the interactions between humans and their environments over time. By integrating insights from history, evolution and ecology we seek to understand the long-term trajectories of human societies, the factors that drive cultural and biological change and the relationships between humans (i.e. modern humans, fossil humans or their fossil relatives) and their (palaeo-)environments, including both natural and human-made ecosystems. We also address present-day challenges and strategies for building a sustainable and equitable future.

Participating departments and research groups:

          >>> Evolution of Brain Connectivity (MPI, Gunz, Haun, McElreath)
          Philipp Gunz, Daniel Haun, Richard McElreath, Alexandra Schuh

Bringing together linguistics, anthropology, psychology, cognitive sciences, evolutionary biology, social sciences, computer sciences and communication studies this field aims to explore how language shapes and is shaped by culture and how cognition influences language and cultural practices. Research in this field provides insights into fundamental questions about human nature, identity, social interaction and cultural diversity and the complex interplay of these aspects in diverse environments.

Participating departments and research groups:

          >>> Evolution of Brain Connectivity (MPI, Gunz, Haun, McElreath)
          Philipp Gunz, Daniel Haun, Richard McElreath, Alexandra Schuh