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Procedure of a doctorate

As soon as you started your doctorate studies at the IMPRS LSHO, you apply to be enrolled in the doctoral list of a university. This will also enable you to be immatriculated as a research student (which is however not mandatory).

Depending on how you want to structure your studies, once you are enrolled on the docotral list you start collecting ETCS credits by attending conferences, visiting workshops, presenting a poster, or giving talks at scientific events.

After completing your written thesis, you apply for examination. Examination entry is granted by the Faculty Board of your university. Your thesis is examined and graded by appointed reviewers. If the reviewers recommend acceptance of your thesis, a date is set for you to defend your thesis.

After a successful defence, you complete your examination by depositing legal copies of your thesis with the University Library. You should also submit one copy of your thesis to the library of MPI-EVA.

You are then entitled to receive your doctorate certificate from your university and the IMPRS LSHO.