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Enrolment at University

Becoming a doctoral student

PhD students will typically obtain their degree from Leipzig University and need to be enrolled in the list of doctoral candidates of the

  1. Faculty of Life Sciences OR
  2. Medical Faculty OR
  3. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences OR
  4. Faculty of Education.

You can electronically apply for enrollment at the Faculty of Life Science's list of doctoral candidates under: https://dpvs.uni-leipzig.de/

Under some circumstances, PhD students may be registered at and obtain their degree through another university. In this case the PhD regulations of this other university apply.

PhD regulations at Leipzig University

(1) Faculty of Life Sciences

2) Medical Faculty

  • PhD regulations (German only) [pdf]
  • Application for enrolment in the list of doctoral candidates (German only) [pdf]

(3) Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences

4) Faculty of Education

Immatriculation as a research student at Leipzig University

For PhD students it is possible - but not mandatory - to register as a research student at Leipzig University  (LU). PhD students who register at LU have to pay a semester fee of currently 266.90 Euros per semester and an additional amount of 10 Euros as a deposit for the student card. The latter is a one time payment. Please check out the following links including more detailed information:

Universität Leipzig: UniCard

To be registered as a PhD student at the LU your application must contain a comprehensive account of your previous school and university education. All certificates must be submitted as authenticated copies in both the original language and in German, English or French. Your application must include the following: 1) the topic of your doctoral thesis, 2) supervisor's declaration and 3) a proof of financing. More information regarding the enrolment as a PhD student at LU and the contact information for Susanne Gebhardt (Doctoral Programmes Officer, LU)  can be found at:

Universität Leipzig: Guidance and Organisation
Universität Leipzig: Opportunities for Doctoral Research

If you have questions or need help with the enrolment procedure, please contact Susanne Gebhardt or contact us via leipzig-school@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<]eva.mpg.de.